Monday, August 2, 2010



New UAB International Degree Programs to Help Bridge Gaps in Global Public Health

December 30, 2009

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Public Health is collaborating with universities in South Asia and the Caribbean to offer master's-level training programs that meet a growing demand for global-health professionals to lead research, prevention and care, and policy initiatives.

The new master's programs in public health were developed through UAB's Sparkman Center for Global Health and UAB's International Training and Research in Environmental and Occupational Health (ITREOH) program along with input from international scholars, accrediting agencies and public-health educators from each university's home country.

A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) program is now offered at the University of the West Indies in St. Augustine, Trinidad, with degree tracks in epidemiology, health economics or environmental and occupational health. An M.P.H. program is now offered at Manipal University in Karnataka, India, and will soon begin at the University of Kelaniya in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with a degree track in environmental and occupational health. A Master of Science (M.Sc.) program with a degree track in environmental and occupational health will begin in 2011 at Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan.

These new master's programs address a broad array of issues in physical and mental health, and community improvement goals guided by initiatives of the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many other governmental agencies and nonprofit groups, says Craig Wilson, M.D., a professor of epidemiology and pediatrics and director of the Sparkman Center for Global Health.

"Our field of global health is directly linked to world population changes, economic relationships and many other factors that make nations and regions increasingly interdependent on one another," says Wilson. "These graduate programs will help to bridge the gaps in international public-health research, training and policy making.

"This unique approach to international curriculum development serves as a model for future programs across the globe."

UAB's ITREOH program is led by Nalini Sathiakumar, M.D., M.P.H., Dr.P.H., and Elizabeth Delzell, M.S.P.H., D.Sc., and emphasizes the need for graduates to enter public-health service in their home countries. ITREOH is funded by the National Institutes of Health John E. Fogarty International Center.

About the UAB School of Public Health

The UAB School of Public Health is a community of scholars and professionals working and teaching in varied arenas of public health with the goal of fostering research and best practices crucial to the health of our nation and its peoples. The school offers more than 20 areas of study and manages dozens of research and community-service centers. Click here to find out more about becoming a student.

Media Contact

Media Contact:

Troy Goodman

(205) 934-8938

Sri Lanka ITREOH SIte - University of Kelaniya

Sri Lanka ITREOH Site - Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya for the ITREOH News Letter

The University of Kelaniya collaboration with University of University of Alabama at Birmingham, Manipal University and Aga Khan University in the ITREOH project involves research and training collaborations on Environmental and Occupational Health and training along with the process of establishment of a Masters in Public Health Postgraduate programme. Other than staff from University of Kelaniya, the ITREOH team in Sri Lanka has some of the staff from Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura as well.

Some of the main members of the ITREOH team in Sri Lanka

• Prof. A Rajitha Wickremasinghe MBBS, MPH(Epidemiology), PhD (Epidemiology), PhD (Biometry) - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya

• Dr. Roshini Peiris-John MBBS, PhD (Physiology) - Senior lecturer, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

• Prof. A Pathmeswaran MBBS, LMSSA, MSc (Community Medicine), MD (Community Medicine) – Professor in Public Health, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya

• Dr. Sumal Nandasena MBBS, MSc (Community Medicine), MD part I (Community Medicine) - Postgraduate trainee in MD community medicine, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya

• Ms. Pavithra Godamunne BSc (Psychology), MA (Psychology) - Lecturer, Medical Education Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya

ITREOH Pilot Projects

• Indoor Air Pollution due to Biomass Fuels and Acute Coronary Syndrome among Women in Sri Lanka (ACS study)

• Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution among Children in Selected Home Environments

• Validation of the Cognitive and Motor Scales of the Bayley III Scales of Infant Neurodevelopment

• Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability (CUPID) Study

ITREOH Projects in the Pipeline

• Global Climate Change: Opinions of School Teachers and General Population in Selected areas of Gampaha District, Sri Lanka

• Prenatal and Early Exposure to OrganoPhosphates and Central Nervous System Impairment (PEPCI) in Sri Lankan children

• Prenatal Exposure to Solid Fuel Smoke and Birth Outcomes in Sri Lanka

• UAB-Sri Lanka Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases Research Training Program

ITREOH Meetings held in Sri Lanka

• MPH Curriculum Development Meeting, ITREOH Network Meeting and Workshop - 12th to 18th March 2009, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya and Hotel Renuka, Colombo

• MPH Curriculum Development Meeting 1st and 2nd December 2009, Hotel Renuka, Colombo


Address: ITREOH Programme, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Kelaniya, P.O. Box 6, Thalagolla Road, Ragama, Sri Lanka.

Tel: +94 11 2961000

Fax: +94 11 295 8337

Pakistan - ITREOH Site - Aga Khan University

Aga Khan University, Pakistan - ITREOH Site

 Lack of trained human resource in EOH in Pakistan and increasing EOH problems in South Asia led to the development of ITREOH net work of SA countries. This program was initiated in 2001 at AKU as a UAB-AKU partnership, since then AKU-ITREOH collaboration is continuing on.

In past few years, ITREOH project has resulted in the establishment of a core group of researchers/trainers, pilot research in the areas of heavy metals, air pollution (outdoor and indoor) and pesticides, a formal EOH short course at AKU, and the expansion of regional collaborations with other countries, including India and Sri Lanka.

Till now we have conducted four courses. The last one was held on EOH in April 2010. Participants representing different sectors has benefited from this series of workshops. Till now, we have trained 108 EOH professionals. Overall feedback on these workshops was encouraging. Partial support received by ITREOH grant for this course (participants / facilitators photograph attached).

We have also developed an Environmental and Occupational Health curriculum in Pakistan which would be included as a track in MSc epidemiology and biostatistics. This course may be offered in October 2010, based on approval by university academic council.

This progress strengthens our beliefs that we will be able to address the lack of technical expertise and university-based training programs; specifically designed to address EOH issues, barriers and expand the scope of EOH research in Pakistan.

Projects - Completed

1. Title: Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding pesticides among farmers in rural Sindh.

Description: A cross sectional KAP survey to determine the knowledge, practice and health effects of pesticides

Faculty: Masood Kadir (PI), Waqar Ahmed.

2. Title: Prevalence and associated factors of chronic respiratory illnesses among textile workers of Karachi.

Description: A cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence and risk factors of respiratory diseases among textile workers.

Faculty & Staff: Asaad Nafees (PI), M. Masood Kadir, Zafar Fatmi

Projects – Funded ongoing

1. Title: Association of indoor air pollution due to biomass and acute coronary syndromes among rural women, Sindh, Pakistan (Pilot study)

Description: A case-control study to determine the association of indoor air pollution due to biomass with acute coronary syndromes among rural women of Sind, Pakistan.

Faculty: Zafar Fatmi (PI), Ali Khuwaja, Ambreen Kazi, M. Masood Kadir

2. Title: Prioritization of health risks due to exposure to contaminated water using comparative risk assessment framework in squatter settlements of Karachi.

Description: A cross-sectional study to determine the health burden of water pollution in a squatter settlement. The purpose is to determine the most important pollutant in water in Karachi.

Faculty & Staff: Maliha Naseer (PI), M. Masood Kadir, Zafar Fatmi

Projects – Submitted for funding to ITREOH

1. Title: Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding global climate change among secondary school teachers.

Description: A cross-section study of school teachers to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices of global climate change in urban setting in Pakistan.

Faculty: Asad Afridi, M. Masood Kadir, Zafar Fatmi

Status: Submitted for ERC approval.

2. Title: Association of tuberculosis with biomass use among adults in rural areas of Karachi.

Description: A case-control study to determine association between biomass use and tuberculosis.

Faculty & Staff: Tahir M Taj (PI), Zafar Fatmi.

Permanent Faculty – EOH Division

Dr Masood Kadir

Professor and Vice Chair

Iqbal Azam

Assistant Professor

Dr Yosuf Memon

Senior Instructor

Dr Ambreen Kazi

Assistant Professor

Dr Asad Afridi

Senior Instructor

Shafqat Rozi

Senior Instructor

Shahid Lutfi

Honorary Faculty

MPH at Manipal University Dept of Public Health

Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree Curriculum Development at Manipal

As part of its overall goal of capacity-building, the UAB-South Asia ITREOH has worked along with Manipal to develop an internationally-accepted and locally-adapted curriculum for a Master’s of Public Health (MPH) course. Apart from Manipal University, a MPH program is also being developed at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka alongside a component for the MSc program at Aga Khan University, Pakistan. Over the past two years, ITREOH partners have participated in a series of Curriculum Development meetings, chaired by Dr Nalini Sathiakumar with members including Drs. Elizabeth Delzell (UAB), David Coggan (Southampton University, UK), Vinod Bhat, G. Arun Kumar and Ramachandra Kamath (MU), A R Wickremasinghe , A. Pathmeswaran (UoK, Sri Lanka), Masood Kadir and Zafar Fatmi (Aga Khan University, Pakistan). Meetings have been held throughout the region in Dubai (UAE), Manipal and Bangalore (India) and Colombo (Sri Lanka). These meetings have provided opportunities for partners to learn from one another and contribute to the overall success of environmental and occupational health training within the Indian Subcontinent. The curriculum is built on skill-based core competencies, adapted from a combination of World Health Organization (WHO), US CDC, and Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) competencies, and adapted to each local setting. This unique approach to international curriculum development has been commended by the WHO and could serve as a potential model for future programs in the region. UAB has also provided additional teaching resources for each program, including course notes, slides, and books.

The Future looks promising and exciting

The ultimate goal of the UAB-South Asia ITREOH program is to develop a self-sustaining research training program in India and the region that would serve as a hub for research collaborations and training activities. Manipal is committed to the effort and has a track record of providing leadership as a Center of Excellence. The future of this fruitful partnership looks exciting as plans are afoot to expand the collaboration to newer programs and disciplines.

MPH in Environmental and Occupational Health.

 It is highly anticipated that the newly-inaugurated MPH program in Epidemiology will lead to the development of an MPH in Environmental and Occupational Health. This new degree would position Manipal University as a fully-fledged regional training center for Environmental and Occupational Health Professionals.

UAB-WHO Collaborative Research projects.

As part of the WHO’s multi-country approach to combat climate change-related vector-borne and diarrheal diseases, Manipal will undertake a series of research projects evaluating the health outcomes of climate change in South Asia, with a view to developing mitigation strategies.

ITREOH South Asia Resource Centre.

 Due to its central location and advanced technological resources, Manipal will be the site of an ITREOH Regional Resource Centre, which will support the other ITREOH partner sites in South Asia. As the first of its kind in the region, the Resource Centre will serve ITREOH trainees, other public health professionals, and the general public as a source of information, education, and community outreach. The Resource Centre is expected to foster a sense of community amongst the ITREOH trainees and all public health professionals who share a commitment to environmental and occupational health education and training in the region.

Manipal Site - 2010 - Publications under ITREOH Banner

Sr. No,  Name of the first Author,  Study Title (based on which study),  Country / Site Title of the Publications already submitted and accepted,  Journal Submitted to Publications to be submitted by June 1st 2010,  Journal submitted to Publications to be submitted post-June 1st 2010 (In the pipeline for now),  Journal submitted to, >>

1 Dr B Unnikirshnan Manipal University, India "( JAN TO MARCH 2010)

1. Awareness and attitude of the general public towards HIV/AIDS in coastal Karnataka, Indian Journal of Community Medicine

2. Harrassment among women at workplace - A crosssectional study in coastal south India. Indian Journal of Community Medicine

3. FEV6 asscreening tool in spirometric diagnosis of obstructive airway disease. Lung India
4. Association of Quality of Life wth depression among HIV positives in Coastal South India, Indian Journal of Psychiatry
5. Association of Depression with social support and self esteem among HIV Positives, .Asian Journal of Psychiatry
6. Study of Morbidity profile and quality of life among beedi rolling women in coastal karnataka, Journal of Environmental Research
7.  Study of perceptions and attitude towards global climate change among college students in coastal karnataka, Journal of Environmental Research
8. Stress levels and its associated factors among bank employees - A crossectional study in a south indian city, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine
9. Chest Radiographic patterns of pulmonary tuberculosis among Hiv seropositives and HIV Seronegatives", Lung India

2 Dr Prabha Adhikari Manipal University, India "1.Occurence of Penicillin Resistant Streptocoocal Pneumoniae Infection and effect of antibiotic rotation
2.Validation of Indian Diabetes Risk Score through Bollor Population Study -accepted for Publication by Journal of physicians of India
3.Indian diabetes risk score among medical students and its correlation with blood sugar and lipid profile
" "1. Khatmandu Medical Journal
2. Journal of Physicians of India
3. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
" "1.Risk factors for lead poisoning among battery workers despite use of PPE in a battery unit in Baikampady Industrial area
2.Correlation between Serum lead levels and clinical manifestations among battery workers
3.Lead poisoning in a battery worker despite use of PPE- a case report
4.Effect of Moringa Oleifera seeds in water Purification and Clarification
5.NCD risk factors among physicians working in KMC Hospitals
6.Indian Diabetes Risk Score among medical students and effect of risk score knowledge on the life style of medical students
7.Serum Pyridoxine levels in HIV infected Individuals
8.Serum B12 levels and folic acid levels in HIV infection
" Not mentioned yet

3 Dr G Arunkumar Manipal University, India "1. Prevalence of human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection among pregnant women in Udupi- a hospital based study
2. Occupational risk of health sciences students to vaccine preventable airborne viral infections in India

4 Dr Ramchandra Kamath Manipal University, India 1. Musculo-Skeletal Disorders in Cashwe Factory Workers

5 Dr Arun G Maiya Manipal University, India 1. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, in asymptomatic cashew factory workers- A cross-sectional study 2. PREVALENCE OF WORK RELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS OF WRIST AND HAND IN COMPUTER USERS- A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY "1. Journal of Asia-Pacific Disability
2. Indian journal of enviornmental and occupational Health

6 Dr Animesh Jain Manipal University, India "1. “Career choice among Physiotherapy students in Mangalore, India”
2. ""Suicide Ideation Among Medical Students: A Cross Sectional From South India""" "1. Physiotherapy Journal
2. Australasian Medical Journal "

7 Dr Avinash Shetty Manipal University, India Study on prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in costal Karnataka International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus in Developing countries

8 Dr Padma Mohanan Manipal University, India 1. Preliminary study to estimate the prevalence of specific reading disabilities (dyslexia) among school children 2. Study on stress among Anganwadi workers in Mangalore - Dakshina Kannada- Karnataka "1. Karnataka Pediatric Journal
2. Indian Journal of Community Medicine"

9 Dr Sathish Rao Manipal University, India Cytoprotective and Antigenotoxic potential of Mangiferin, a glucosylxanthone against Cadmium chloride induced toxicity in HepG2 cells Food and Chemical Toxicology 1. Antigenotoxic effect of Mangiferin and changes in antioxidant enzyme levels of Swiss albino mice treated with Cadmium chloride Hum & Exp Toxicol- In Press 1. Modulation of mercuric chloride cytotoxicity by mangiferin in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells 2. Mangiferin, a xanthone attenuates mercury chloride induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in HepG2 cells (Mutation Research – Under revision) 1. Communicated to Environmental Toxicology

10 Dr Vandana KE "Screening At Admission For Carrier Prevalence Of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Resource-Constrained Settings: A Hospital-Based Observational Study" Journal of Hospital Infection Seroprevalence study on melioidosis

Manipal - 2010 ITREOH Pilot Projects

Sr. NO. Title of Project Site / Country Investigator/Trainee Name Dates of Project

1 The Mercury and Infant Neurological Development(MIND) Study in India – Pilot Phase Manipal University, INDIA Dr. Satish Rao B.S., Professor & Head, Division of Radiobiology & Toxicology, MLSC, Manipal Sep-07

2 Occupational Risk of Health Sciences Students toVaccine Preventable Airborne Viral Diseases in India Manipal University, INDIA Dr. GArunkumar  Associate Professor, Dept of Microbiology KMC Manipal May-09

3 “Cultural and Psychosocial Influences On Disability(CUPID)” Manipal University, INDIA Dr Arun Maiya, Professor and Associate Dean, MCOAHS, Manipal University Jan-10

4 Determinants of Seroprevalence of Burkholderia pseudomallei in residents of Udupi Taluk and environmental prevalence of B. pseudomallei –A Preliminary Study Manipal University, INDIA Dr Vandana K E, Associate Professor, Dept of Microbiology, KMC, Manipal, Manipal University Jun-10

5 Relationship between climatic factors and diarrheal & Vector Borne Disease in South west India - A Retrospective study Manipal University, INDIA Dr. GArunkumar  Associate Professor, Dept of Microbiology KMC Manipal, and Dr. Ramachandra Kamath, ,  Professor and Head, Dept of Public Health, MU., Manipal Jun-10

6 Global Climate Change:  Opinions of School Teachers and General Population in Mangalore, India Manipal University, INDIA Dr. B Unnikrishnan, Professor, Dept of Community Medicine, KMC, Mangalore, Manipal University May-10

Manipal site - Research update upto 2009

Research at the Manipal ITREOH Resource Centre

The UAB-South Asia ITREOH program believes in the value of practice-based learning and has thus supported, mentored and funded several pilot research projects at Manipal. Awarded after a competitive rigorous peer-review process, only two to three pilot projects are selected each year. One of the main goals of the UAB-South Asia ITREOH is for partner sites to contribute to sustainability by successfully obtaining competitive funding and research grants for large-scale studies. ( See box for list of completed, ongoing, approved and under review projects)

Completed pilot studies have formed the basis for several publications in international peer-reviewed journals and, subsequently, have been expanded as competitive proposals for submission to large funding agencies such as the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), NIH, Health Effects Institute (HEI) among others.

The list upto 2009 :

Completed projects.

• Occupational risk of health sciences students to vaccine preventable airborne viral diseases (PI, Dr. G. Arunkumar, Microbiology)

• A multi-center study to assess fine particle matter (PM2.5) air pollution due to secondhand smoke in public places, Manipal (Dr. Ramachandra. Kamath, Community Medicine)

• The mercury and Infant neurological development study - Pilot phase (PI, Dr. G.Satish Rao, Radiobiology)

• A multi-center study to assess fine particle matter (PM2.5) air pollution due to secondhand smoke in public places, Malaysia (Dr. Adinegara bin Lutfi Abas, Community Medicine, MMMC)

• Use of national reporting system for occupational diseases among non-governemntal employees in Peninsular Malaysia (PI, Dr. Adinegara bin Lutfi Abas, Community Medicine,MMMC)

• Surveillance of non-fatal occupational injuries in Malaysia, 2002 to 2006 (PI, Dr. Adinegara bin Lutfi Abas, Community Medicine,MMMC)

Ongoing projects.

• Cultural and psychosocial influences on disability (CUPID) - A multi-country study (PI, Dr. G. Arun Maiya, Physiotherapy)

• Seroprevalence of Burkholderia pseudomallei and occupational risk to melioidosis - A preliminary study (PI, Dr. K.E. Vandana, Microbiology)

• Association between maternal exposure to biomass smoke and birth weight – an analysis of 2005-2006 India Demographic Survey (PI, Dr. Chandrashekhar T. Sreeramareddy, Community Medicine, MMMC)

Approved projects.

• Awareness and perception towards global climate change among school teachers and general population in Mangalore (Dr. B. Unnikrishnan, Community Medicine)

• Retrospective analysis of climate-related factors and vector-borne diseases (PI, Dr. G. Arunkumar, Microbiology)

• Retrospective analysis of climate-related factors and diarrheal diseases with a focus on cholera (PI, Dr. Ramachandra Kamath, Community Medicine)

Indo-US research grant proposals

- “The Burden of Low Birth Weight in Udupi District, India” (ICMR),

- “Prenatal Exposure to Solid Fuel Smoke and Low Birth Weight in Karnataka State, India” (NIH),

- “Prenatal Lead Exposure in India: A Prelude to Prevention” (NIH)

- “Effect of air pollution on childhood morbidity in coastal Karnataka- A longitudinal study” (HEI, US), three of which are currently under review.