Monday, August 2, 2010

Pakistan - ITREOH Site - Aga Khan University

Aga Khan University, Pakistan - ITREOH Site

 Lack of trained human resource in EOH in Pakistan and increasing EOH problems in South Asia led to the development of ITREOH net work of SA countries. This program was initiated in 2001 at AKU as a UAB-AKU partnership, since then AKU-ITREOH collaboration is continuing on.

In past few years, ITREOH project has resulted in the establishment of a core group of researchers/trainers, pilot research in the areas of heavy metals, air pollution (outdoor and indoor) and pesticides, a formal EOH short course at AKU, and the expansion of regional collaborations with other countries, including India and Sri Lanka.

Till now we have conducted four courses. The last one was held on EOH in April 2010. Participants representing different sectors has benefited from this series of workshops. Till now, we have trained 108 EOH professionals. Overall feedback on these workshops was encouraging. Partial support received by ITREOH grant for this course (participants / facilitators photograph attached).

We have also developed an Environmental and Occupational Health curriculum in Pakistan which would be included as a track in MSc epidemiology and biostatistics. This course may be offered in October 2010, based on approval by university academic council.

This progress strengthens our beliefs that we will be able to address the lack of technical expertise and university-based training programs; specifically designed to address EOH issues, barriers and expand the scope of EOH research in Pakistan.

Projects - Completed

1. Title: Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding pesticides among farmers in rural Sindh.

Description: A cross sectional KAP survey to determine the knowledge, practice and health effects of pesticides

Faculty: Masood Kadir (PI), Waqar Ahmed.

2. Title: Prevalence and associated factors of chronic respiratory illnesses among textile workers of Karachi.

Description: A cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence and risk factors of respiratory diseases among textile workers.

Faculty & Staff: Asaad Nafees (PI), M. Masood Kadir, Zafar Fatmi

Projects – Funded ongoing

1. Title: Association of indoor air pollution due to biomass and acute coronary syndromes among rural women, Sindh, Pakistan (Pilot study)

Description: A case-control study to determine the association of indoor air pollution due to biomass with acute coronary syndromes among rural women of Sind, Pakistan.

Faculty: Zafar Fatmi (PI), Ali Khuwaja, Ambreen Kazi, M. Masood Kadir

2. Title: Prioritization of health risks due to exposure to contaminated water using comparative risk assessment framework in squatter settlements of Karachi.

Description: A cross-sectional study to determine the health burden of water pollution in a squatter settlement. The purpose is to determine the most important pollutant in water in Karachi.

Faculty & Staff: Maliha Naseer (PI), M. Masood Kadir, Zafar Fatmi

Projects – Submitted for funding to ITREOH

1. Title: Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding global climate change among secondary school teachers.

Description: A cross-section study of school teachers to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices of global climate change in urban setting in Pakistan.

Faculty: Asad Afridi, M. Masood Kadir, Zafar Fatmi

Status: Submitted for ERC approval.

2. Title: Association of tuberculosis with biomass use among adults in rural areas of Karachi.

Description: A case-control study to determine association between biomass use and tuberculosis.

Faculty & Staff: Tahir M Taj (PI), Zafar Fatmi.

Permanent Faculty – EOH Division

Dr Masood Kadir

Professor and Vice Chair

Iqbal Azam

Assistant Professor

Dr Yosuf Memon

Senior Instructor

Dr Ambreen Kazi

Assistant Professor

Dr Asad Afridi

Senior Instructor

Shafqat Rozi

Senior Instructor

Shahid Lutfi

Honorary Faculty

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